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Local support centres
Name | Description | Website |
ABA Tutor Finders | Поиск тьюторов по ABA-терапии | http://ABA Tutor Finder - Home - Bringing Families and Therapists Together |
ABA4All | Благотворительная инициатива, которая помогает продвигать ABA-терапию в Великобритании | http://ABA in the UK ( |
Beyond Autism Early Years | Бесплатные занятия ABA (Applied Behaviour Analisys) для детей до 5 лет, тренинги для родителей | |
Bright Futures Consultancy | Юридическое консультирование от Рут Брайт по вопросам специального образования и сопровождение семей в системе законов СО. | |
Child Autism | Оказывают поддержку семьям и детям с аутизмом, разрабатывают АBА программы, обучают родителей основам ABA | |
Contact | Finance Programmes, Social Activities, Wellbeing Workshops, Families in Hospitals | |
ELSA | ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists, who apply their professional knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to areas of need experienced by pupils. They provide on-going professional supervision to help maintain high quality in the work undertaken by ELSAs, thereby helping to ensure safe practice for ELSAs and pupils alike. | |
Family Action | Family Action works to tackle some of the most complex and difficult issues facing families today – including financial hardship, mental health problems, social isolation, learning disabilities, domestic abuse, or substance misuse and alcohol problems. | |
Family Lives | Various services - helping parents | |
Family and Childcare Trust | focus on childcare and the early years to make a difference to families’ lives now and in the long term. We work to make sure that every child has access to high quality childcare and every parent is better off working once they have paid for childcare. Families who face disadvantage, social exclusion and poverty are at the heart of our work. | |
Focus. Surrey | ABA клуб по субботам для развития навыков общения | |
Guardian Supported Living | a range of support services to enable people to live independently and achieve their personal goals – whether that is to get a job, have their own home or make new friends. | |
IPSEA | Free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). | |
KIDS | wide range of services to disabled children, young people and their families in England | |
National Portage Associacion | National Portage Associacion | |
Parent Carer Forum | Parent Carer Forum | |
Royal College of Occupational Therapists | Королевский Колледж по подготовке эрготерапевтов. Система поиска эрготерапевтов по районам. | |
Sense Family Centre | For everyone living with complex disabilities. Information and advice, art, sport and wellbeing, holidays, short breaks and activity groups, housing and individual support | |
The Advocacy and Mediation Consultants | Юридические консультации от Фионы Сломович, одной из известны х адвокатов в системе юридической поддержки семей с особенными детьми | |
The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice | Ассоциация независимых (частных) логопедов. Система поиска логопедов по районам | |
The British Psychological Society | Британское Психологическое сообщество. Система поиска детских образовательных психологов по районам. | |
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